More than imagining

1 Sep

She did all the tiny and small things
The things no one cared about
or thought to be mere imagination

She painted her nails yellow, grey and red
to see the polish slowly fade away

She mastered the art of waiting
for all the flowers to bloom in the flowerbed

She recorded the laughter of piglets
to let it ring across the lake

She blew her dreams into a balloon
to let them pop into somebody else’s ear

She waved to the waves
to send them back into the sea

She let the meercat stand on its head
instead of its tail

She gave herself a tail
to chase after like a cat

And in all of it
she blinked with her eyes a thousand times
to simply see the jump of her heart


person of inspiration: not many people dare to follow their dream, but all you need to do is follow your imagination – go for it!

place of inspiration: conversations in the office

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