Archive | March, 2016

What lego can do

11 Mar

Build the unthinkable

Build what connects your heart

to your soul

Build what puts you

an arm’s length ahead

of love, of kindness

and inspiration

Simply build


Person of inspiration: thanks for making me smile, Carlos Arturo, hope you can take it to the next level

place of inspiration:  a youth full of lego



Vielleicht treffen wir uns

10 Mar

She smiled, that one last smile

A long sweet breath, just before

‘Was ich noch zu sagen hätte

dauert eine Zigarette’


A familiar sight for her

Someone leaving or her leaving

The sentence remains the same

‘und ein letztes Glas im Stehn’


The train left, felt unsecure

But sure in the direction of home

A place so unfamiliar as a new song

Yet exciting like any first travel


What would be its rhythm?

What would make her unravel

every little detail with the same

amazement when in a foreign land?


Would she find again

die Freiheit, die Zeitlosigkeit

without personal boundaries

or familiar cultural convention?


What would make her smile

and recognize that last sentence

‘Das im eigenen Fenstern

das Licht auch wieder wärmer scheint?’


person of inspiration: the bravest decisions are the ones that seem so obvious, but feel yet so intimidating. You made one by returning home – hope you forgive me my ‘playful’ use of German and of course I borrowed generously from Reinhard Mey – Gute nacht Freunde

place of inspiration: Amsterdam, The Hague and that one time in Tunis



Lost in translation

9 Mar

When you count the words

The words you utter in a day

How many of them are double

How many of them are triple

How many of them are quadruple

How many of them are


Slowly lifting your tongue

Moving your lips

Scraping your throat

Leaving your breath

hissing past your focal cords


Like sweet drops or harsh spatter

Trying to convey the things

concocted orderly in a mind

coming out as trash or unexpected kindness


How many words tell the truth

of what is really meant to be said

How many convey the inner spirit

of your human mind


Maybe one – wahid

Maybe two – itnan

Maybe three – talatha


How many words

are there

without translation?


Persons of inspiration: 2 beautiful women, on a quest to make me understand what was really meant to be said in equally beautiful Arabic – maybe next time I can count to a 100?

Place of inspiration: Cairo, Egypt