Archive | November, 2013

Ancient library

26 Nov

Silence was a rule
Soft steps
Hallways without movement
Only shadows swiftly moving
from one shelf to another
Picking, choosing
The elements of paper
Dust lining the archives
of knowledge and curiosity
A brief blow on a cover
Folding open, slipping through
The scent of black ink
and letters waiting
Unlocking words
The perfect formulation
of a sentence

Quickly, a whisper
on the other side of the shelf
A mother, a child
teaching ways
to stop jumping
from excitement for all which is on offer

Another cover tickles imagination
Reaching out again
The fragrance of promise and anticipation
A choice is made
Eyes light up
Movement to the right
A drop
A thump
Pages spread
Dust sparkles on top of desecration
a pile can never be too high
a sigh, kneeling
Bending over, lending a hand
Eyes meet
Locking into
the perfect space
Sharing of mystery


persons of inspiration: people sitting to my left and right conversing softly in a place where silence used to be a rule, but now can be filled with interaction. There will probably be a second poem soon of the modern library.
place of inspiration: OBA, Amsterdam, it has to be my favourite

Real time

15 Nov

Choose wisely, he said
not to whither your time away
each millisecond becomes a second
a second, a minute
a minute, an hour
an hour, a day
what information will be your choice

She looked at her self-serving overload
With the touch of her fingers
She clicked between information
to go, or to stay

Each tab a window of opportunity
To find the perfect shoe
always a first thing to do
To read about the weather
why go outside today?
To catch up with the stock exchange
if only the economy would do better
To see the funniest joke
Youtube’s use was endless
To read about science and technology
well, only to get the latest gadget
To travel without leaving
someday she would go herself
To learn the ten tips for ultimate happiness
if only she had time to apply them
To save her favourite recipe
maybe she would cook it tomorrow
To look for love at a dating site
how else would she meet new people?
To watch the ‘latest’ pornography
some would call it a night cap for the lonely

And her favourite
Her absolute favourite
was to indulge in the lives of others
on her well-kept social media page

Each time a new opportunity
To post a picture of her new shoes
if only she would get 10 likes
To rave about the beautiful weather
but no time to go outside
To catch up in four chat conversations at the same time
let’s meet soon, but not this week
To see the funniest baby video
actually why doesn’t she have a baby?
To learn about who has done what
another acquaintance at the other end of the world
To re-post words of inspiration
quotes of everybody-knows-Rumi about love and consolation
To see the fantastic food of her best friend
she should ask for the recipe
To get shocked by the latest viral video
a good thing Facebook sensors explicit nudity

Choose wisely, he said
Don’t lose touch with those who need to stay
An acquaintance becomes a friend
A friend, a cousin
A cousin, a sister
A sister, a mother
What kind of connection will be your choice

She sighed
Left her computer & ipad
off for the day
read her favourite author for awhile
then called a friend
To whither
in real time

person of inspiration: we all look many a times at a screen without looking, especially on a morning train, checking other people’s lives on social media pages on his Ipad, he looked a bit homesick, but maybe he was just like me, browsing and filling some time until the train would stop again.

place of inspiration: train Amsterdam – The Hague HS