Archive | September, 2017

Be a unicorn, be a rebel

24 Sep

Any girl can be a rebel nowadays
In a suit like wonderwoman, swinging
round the world in planes, buses, race cars
Just like every other super hero
She can pursue her dreams, like
no time before
by playing it rough, by standing her ground
by chasing goals with roaring laughter
by being the first and one and only

But what if, she will be a rebel of
loving kindness, of gentleness, of tranquility
of equanimity
What if her hands’ touch
soften any thing
into vulnerability?
With the quiet ease
of the fairytale unicorn
convincing us to trust
what you feel is real

What if her ten fingers, and ten toes
never skip the opportunity
to provide connection
and tap into your fear for
inner strength?

What if she dances
like a whirlwind through life?

What if this girl,
a true rebel
is you?


person of inspiration: Molly Maya already a true child of Mahalaya, and for all those fantastic women and men who want to be a unicorn rebel

place of inspiration: Kathmandu, Nepal